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Testimonials from Previous Attendees

A good stress-free environment to review the main topics in general surgery.

Availability of PDF files before the conference was very helpful and videos of each presentation provided to each participant is invaluable!

Great up-to-date conference, very organized, compact and comprehensive; covers all objectives with a great literature review.

Large breadth of topics important for RC exam; presentations focused on clinical pearls and management decisions.

Many outstanding lectures which were Canadian focused and according to current practices, guidelines and evidence-based medicine!

The use of touch pad technology for this program identified areas to focus on and areas of deficiency.

Evidence based, concise and focused not only on the exam but also future practice.

Presenters were excellent and to the point; they understood our goals and objectives of the program and exam.

Some of the best speakers from across the country in terms of PREP courses I’ve attended.

Enthusiastic lecturers with open forum for questions and great one on one time with each presenter!

Outstanding program, MCQ questions are the strengths of this course!